The thoughts, phrases and idioms of Beltis
"If giant out-of-control robots were destroying the planet, causing chaos and oppressing humanity, governments would be launching every weapon known to man at them. However, giant out-of-control organisations doing exactly the same thing seem to be encouraged..."
"The value of democracy isn’t that it’s ‘very nice if we all have a say’, the real value is that, logically, 20 million minds have more potential than one."
"A person is a snapshot of continua"
"In the same way that Michelangelo liberated the figure of David from a block of stone, the observer liberates a mind from what I call 'The Cacophony'"
"The idea of 'uploading' a mind to a computer and assuming it can still be the same conscious entity but in a different form is akin to the idea of uploading the River Thames to a giant water tank and assuming it can still be the River Thames but in a different form"
Definitions (Abbreviated)
"Abdication Creep" : Where someone in authority, or with seniority, abdicates responsibility to a third party to manage work on their behalf <...more>
​The "Dependency Dam" : "An artificial barrier created by an entity to fully control a resource, for the entity's own benefit, that would otherwise have been freely accessible to the owners, users or typical beneficiaries of that resource <...more>
The "Hope Donkey" : The notion that a 'great idea' can simply be assigned to someone else for completion with virtually no further management <...more>
"Cyberate": Having a very basic awareness or understanding of Cybernetics or Systems Thinking. (Antonym: 'incyberate'). "Being 'cyberate' simply means understanding that the word 'cyber' is not interchangeable with the word 'computer'"